Anonymity in the Internet

There can be many occasions where you want to be anonymous on the Internet. Now the major question how to make this happen.
Lets get started =-

What I have made use of :
1. Tor network
2. Vidalia [GUI for Tor]
3. Privoxy
4. Proxychains
5. Some firefox, opera and nmap tricks

Actually speaking about firefox and opera there is nothing called 'trick' here. Everything is pretty much simple.

Edit >> Preference >> Advanced >> Network >> Settings >> Manual Proxy Configuration

Ctrl+F12 >> Advanced >> Network >> Proxy Servers

Search for proxy servers and try setting them up.
I have limited success rate in this field.

Now come to the real world. We need to install Tor, Vidalia, proxychains and privoxy
In fedora it's very simple

yum install tor vidalia privoxy proxychains

Now from terminal simple type vidalia or from Gnome menu select Applications >> Internet >> Vidalia

Now you will see this screen

After this you will get a confirmation message that you have been connected to the tor network.
You are to work anonymous.

The next step is to use proxychains while using nmap utility, moreover we can also use
nmap --spoof-mac

Spoofing mac will fake your mac address.

For using proxychains we can simply write :
proxychains nmap --spoof-mac host

This finishes some part of anonymity in Web.
Happy Surfing


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